Lin Yuheng - Project Portfolio Page
Project: Study it
Study It is an interactive desktop app that helps students manage their study related matters,
optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI).
It encompasses 4 main features: bookmark, timetable, academic tracker and flashcard
to help student organise their study life.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
Features added:
Code contributed:
RepoSense link
Project Management
- Reviewed and approved a number of PRs.
- Set up the PR structure my team on github so that the PRs have to be view by others before merging into master.
- Set up some Issue for team to work on.
- Managed and closed some of the Issues and Milestones.
- User Guide:
- Added documentation for all the commands in timetable mode, listed under section 2 of the User Guide.
- Developer Guide:
- Added the implementation details timetable component, including the UMLs used in that section.
- Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class